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Ventura Mission SundialDr. Jessica Warren, lecturer of physics and astronomy at Indiana University Northwest, is active in science outreach and education.  She is also passionate about sundials.  For Indiana University outreach shecreated a video "The Garden Sundial - Much More than an Ornament" that presents a brief history of the sundial, how they work, and where to get one or make one. 

You can watch the video on YouTube at  It is also part of the North American Sundial Society library of videos, found on this website at where NASS has a collection of videos on sundials, timekeeping, and interviews with sundialists on how they make sundials.

At the end of her presentation, Dr. Warren provides a list of reference material about sundials. Her entire video including references is available as a PDF and is available for download at the bottom of this article.  Additional references and sundial topics are available on the NASS sundial links page:  Read more about the fascinating world of sundials.