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nass_news_2012_oct_ChiWareSundialLanternThis weekend on October 6th a new sundial was dedicated in Atlanta, Georgia.  Ayokunle Odeleye, nationally renowned artist, has created a modernistic bronze and stainless steel sundial called “Chi Wara Sundial Lantern.”  The 8-foot tall sundial is accessible at ground level, sitting in a 20-foot circular plaza with hour marks at the circumference.

Interestingly, it functions as a sundial by day, but shines as a lantern by night.  The public artwork honors twelve community leaders from Cascade Heights located in southwest Atlanta for their spiritual and cultural contributions to their community and Atlanta.

Odeleye’s sundial took inspiration from Mali folklore of West Africa and the headdress of Chi Wara, a mythical creature that is half-man and half-antelope.  As noted by the city of Atlanta, the sundial  represents “a headdress in special ceremonial harvest dance designed to pass on knowledge from the elders to young people in the viliage.  Odeleye’s ‘Chi Wara Sundial Lantern’ interprets this mythological image and conceptually uses it to suggest the ceremonial passing of scholarship from Cascade elders to the youth of this community."

Reference: Saporta Report - David Pendered - Oct 3, 2012