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nass news 2024 feb Brooklyn Botanical Garden 1072Spanish sundialist Esteban Martínez has launched the resolution to establish the World Sundial Day to occur each year on the Spring Equinox.  According to the petition circulated by Martinez,

"Reason  Sundials represent the union of disciplines as disparate as Astronomy, Mathematics, [and] Geography ...They have an undoubted didactic value in teaching astronomy to young people and as an object present in public spaces, in places where people can better understand our relationship with the Sun. They have an undoubted didactic value in teaching astronomy to young people and as an object present in public spaces, in places where people can better understand our relationship with the Sun. They bring together Science and Art, the greatest exponents of human Reason and Creation"

"Why the establishment of a World Day  With the celebration of World Sundial Day, we intend to raise awareness among citizens about the importance that sundials have had in all cultures, making information available to them in order to activate the political will and resources to address their protection as fundamental and differentiated elements of World Heritage."

"Proposed Date  We propose the celebration of World Sundial Day on the Spring Equinox, the first day of the year on which the shadow in sundials casts a straight line on a plane. And it is on the first of the equinoxes because already in Roman times the month of March was the month in which the year began. In this year 2024 the date is March 20."
Petition Sign the petition at  The site asks for a donation but is not necessary to sign the petition.
Photo: NASS Registry #1072
Brooklyn Botanical Garden