Hits: 21758

North American Sundial Registry


This is an on-line submission form for entering or updating sundials of significance in North America.


Your information will be sent to the NASS Registrar, NASS Registrar . The fields given with red asterisks (*) are required for all submissions. If this is a new dial submission, please fill out as many fields as you can. If this is an update to a dial already exists, in the in the Description please be sure to addo the Dial Number in addition to your new information.


Please include 3 or more high quality photos. Maximum size is 3MB each. If you have difficulty with the form, please send an email to NASS Registrar .

First Name*First name or initials
0 (Max. 30 Characters)
Sundial City*Enter the sundial's city
Sundial Latitude*Enter sundial latitude deg and minutes of sundial location. Be as accurate as you can
0 (Max. 20 Characters)
Last Name*Last name
0 (Max. 80 Characters)
Sundial State/Province*Enter sundial's state or province
Sundial Longitude*Enter sundial west longitude deg and minutes of sundial location. Be as accurate as you can
0 (Max. 20 Characters)
Email*Enter your email address
Sundial Access*Select the type of access to this sundial
Public Access
Paid Admission
Private Admission
Other or Unknown
Sundial Location*How do we find the sundial? Street address or on a corner? In a park or garden? Along a path or in front of a building?
0 (Max. 500 Characters)
Sundial Condition*Select the sundial's general condition
Missing or Stolen
Sundial Description*Provide as much information about the sundial as you know.
0 (Max. 1000 Characters)
Sundial InscriptionProvide as much information motto/inscription/plaque that you know.
0 (Max. 1000 Characters)
Sundial OwnerWho owns the sundial?
0 (Max. 60 Characters)
Sundial DesignerWho designed the sundial? Individual? Company?
0 (Max. 60 Characters)
Sundial BuilderWho built the sundial? Individual? Company?
0 (Max. 60 Characters)
Construction DateWhen was the sundial built or dedicated?ed
0 (Max. 60 Characters)
Upload 3 or More Photos*High Quality Photos
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