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The North American Sundial Society is an association of people from a wide variety of disciplines who are interested in the study, development, history, and preservation of sundials.

NASS formed over 20 years ago to bring together sundial enthusiasts from North American and around the world. NASS started in 1994 when a small group of sundial enthusiasts found each other on the Internet and began a discussion of their interest in sundials. The concept of an international society originated with Ross McCluney, a research scientist at the Florida Solar Energy Center. He was joined by Frederick W. Sawyer III, an internationally recognized expert on the history, mathematics, and scientific concepts of sundials and by Robert Terwilliger CMC, a Master Clockmaker with experience in antique sundials and computer programs for sundial creation.

These three individuals founded the North American Sundial Society and became its first officers.  Ross served as President, Fred as Editor of the NASS Quarterly Journal The Compendium and Bob as Secretary and Treasurer.

Today you have an opportunity to join NASS and learn about the history, design and constructions of sundials and meet a unique group of dialists at our annual meeting.  NASS publishes the The Compendium, a quarterly journal that keeps you informed about sundials, their features, histories and their mathematics.  The Compendium is published in both print and digital formats.  The content is essentially the same, but the digital version occassionally includes software and features of interest to computer users.

In addition to The Compendium, NASS offers dialing resources such as The Repository of all back issues of The Compendium, additional dialing articles, software, and reprints of a number of historical books about sundials and gnomonics.

The North American Sundial Society, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 educational organization incorporated in the state of Maryland.  Annual financial statements, and not-for-profit information are available from the NASS Treasurer upon letter to Mark Montgomery, 311 Water Tower Drive, Chesterton, IN, 46304 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.