Hits: 9771

The purpose of this policy is to prevent the interests of North American Sundial Society (NASS) Board Members, Officers, and others in specific appointed roles, from interfering with the performance of their NASS duties and to prohibit that performance from resulting in personal financial or professional gain on the part of such persons at the expense of NASS.

It is the policy of the North American Sundial Society that:

  1. Board Members and others designated by the Board of Directors, shall annually complete and sign a Conflict Disclosure Form (in substantially the format appended to this policy statement).  Failure of any individual to sign the form does not nullify this policy.
  2. A NASS member who becomes aware of a potential conflict of interest should disclose it as soon as possible to a Board Member.
  3. Following disclosure of a possible conflict of interest, the Board of Directors shall determine whether an actual conflict of interest exists and, if so, the Board shall vote to authorize or reject any related transaction or take any other action deemed necessary to address the conflict and protect the North American Sundial Society’s best interests.  Both votes shall be by a majority vote without counting the vote of any interested director.
  4. An officer of the Board of Directors who believes he/she may be in a conflict of interest may recuse himself or herself from voting or taking actions on behalf of the Society. The recusal shall be made to the Board in writing

Participation in credit card or routine merchant loyalty programs shall not be considered as a conflict of interest as long as transactions reflect reasonable payment for goods and services.

An example form of The North American Sundial Society Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form is included as an attachment.


Policy Reviewed On Reviewed By
August 14, 2021 NASS Board
July 28, 2022 NASS Board
June 11, 2023 NASS Board
June 28, 2024 NASS Board