Hits: 10369

In order to meet all financial and legal data requirements, this policy sets the minimum retention periods for critical North American Sundial Society (NASS) documents. The Secretary shall keep the following records:

Item Description Min Retention
1 Letter of Determination Life of NASS
2 Articles of Incorporation Life of NASS
3 NASS By Laws Life of NASS
4 NASS Policies Life of NASS
5 Emails of NASS Financial Commitment or Significant Decisions Life of NASS
6 Board Meeting Minutes 10 Years
7 List of Board of Directors 10 Years
8 Annual General Meeting Minutes 10 Years


The President shall keep the following records:

Item Description Min Retention
Membership Listing
3 years


The Treasurer shall keep the following records:

Item Description Min Retention
Monthly Treasurer's Reports
Life of NASS
Semiannual Treasurer's Reports
Life of NASS
Restricted Funds Documentation
Life of NASS
Bank Statements
10 years
Bank Reconciliation Reports
10 years
Purchase Invoices & Receipts
10 years
Federal Income Tax
Life of NASS
MD State Property Tax
Life of NASS
Government Notices
10 years
3 years
QuickBooks Backup FIles
Life of NASS


The designated NASS Agent for Maryland shall keep the following records:

Item Description Min Retention
Letter of Determination
Life of NASS
Articles of Incorporation
Life of NASS
NASS Bylaws
Life of NASS
NASS Policies
Life of NASS
Federal Income Tax
3 years
MD State Property Tax
3 years
Semiannual Treasurer's Report
3 years

Documents may be retained longer than the minimum required period.  Record custodian will notify the Board before destroying retained information.

NASS does not use charge card services for payment.  No charge card data is stored at any time.  NASS does not routinely record or keep any member bank account information.  In the event that bank account information must be used to complete payment transactions, the information may only be retained until the transactions are completed.  All confidential information must then be destroyed by shredding.

In the event that W-9s must be issued, the records containing confidential information must be destroyed by shredding at the end of the retention period.

In addition to the above, electronic files critical to NASS operation are to be routinely backed-up and back-ups are to be stored in a safe location. Critical electronic files include:

  1. QuickBooks
  2. Membership Database
  3. Sundial Register Database


Policy Reviewed On Reviewed By
August 14, 2021 NASS Board
July 28, 2022 NASS Board
June 11, 2023 NASS Board
June 28, 2024 NASS Board