Hits: 10055
The logo for the North American Sundial Society (NASS) is a copyrighted identification for the Society and may be used by active NASS members to indicate their affiliation with the Society when promoting NASS goals. The primary goals of NASS are:
  1. To promote interest in and to educate about sundials, both past and present, in North America and elsewhere.
  2. To provide mechanisms for the exchange of information about sundials and sundial design (dialing) between Society members and with other sundial societies around the world.
  3. To encourage and assist in the design and construction of sundials, either for public display or personal use.

NASS logo blackThe official NASS logo is displayed at right. The Logo can be used on a member’s website, event signage, brochure material, presentation material, advertising, or other such promotional material to reference membership in NASS.

Unless specifically so authorized, the Logo is NOT to be affixed to any specific product or used in association with any specific product in such a way that could cause an end customer to conclude the product is endorsed or approved by the Society.

The logo can be affixed to products that are promotional items or giveaways used to promote your business as an NASS member. The logo usage should consider the following constraints:

  1. The logo should always be displayed in a professional manner.
  2. The logo should always have a boundary box or clear space around it to separate it from surrounding elements. (do not crowd the display of the logo)
  3. No alterations of the logo (this includes but is not limited to stretching, tilting, slanting, etc.)
  4. The logo should preferably use a single solid color on a solid color background.


Policy Reviewed On Reviewed By
August 14, 2021 NASS Board
July 28, 2022 NASS Board
June 11, 2023 NASS Board
June 28, 2024 NASS Board