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2004_GottesmanDialAt Tenafly, New Jersey NASS conferees once again to discuss sundials and sundial making.  Larry McDavid began the conference with “Sundials: Prehistory to the Digital Age” intended as an instructional power point that can be given to a wide spectrum of adult audiences.  A companion presentation, “Beauty in Dialing” is also released for educational use.  Bob Kellogg discussed construction and alignment of the Freedom High School 9-11 memorial Dial.  Bob Terwilliger “in a blaze of entertaining wizardry” described Bion’s 17th and 18th century techniques for dial construction usin his laser trigon “sciatorium.”  Bob showed how his precision instrument that can “draw a sundial on a Buick” also can design a dial on his garden hot-tub.  Steve Luecking demonstrated programs for deriving hour lines and day lines from shadow planes and other CAD techniques.  Plus many more interesting presentations by Bill Gottesman, Robert Adzema, Martin Jenkins, John Carmaichael, and Sara Schechner.


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