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2003_BanffConferenceCenterThirty Nine NASS members met in the beauty of the Canadian Rockies at the Banff Conference Center.  Talks began with Roger Bailey explaining his approach to “Designing a Sundial from Scratch” using basic trigonometric formulas.  Then Fred Sawyer described the 19th century French engineer Charles-Nicolas Peaucellier who published a type of dial using only straight lines.  Among other presenters was Tom Kreyche with “Projections of the Sphere for Universal Astrolabes.  The center of attention came when Paul Nibley presented a variety of sundials with alarms.  Everyone was delighted to watch his noonday cannon remind us of the sun on the meridian.  Also demonstrated was a butterfly sun alarm that spread its wings with a chime, powered by solar cells.  Tony Moss, UK dialist, discussed his efforts toward working with stainless steel. Roger Bailey discussed astro-archeology from the Stone Age the the Mayans and the Renaissance.  Later, Dr. Gordon Freeman, Albertan scholar, presented his research on the Majorville Medicine Wheel. These are only some of the fine papers presented.

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