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2024 Len Berggren Examine SundialsLen Berggren explains his sundials

The 2024 NASS Conference was held in Vancouver, B.C. June 20-23. As always, the conference opened on Thrsday evening the 20th with a host of door prizes, including two Equation of Time Ball Caps (Peggy Gunnerson & Marc Boone), Sundials: History, Art, People (Len Berggren), and many more items and winners.

The Friday bus tour started at Highlands Elementary School to view a Split Analemmatic Sundial by Brian Albinson (NASS #926), then to VanDusen Gardens to see Gerhard Class' Equatorial Dial (NASS #931). Lunch followed at a neighborhood pub-restaurant. To finish the afternoon, the tour visited Hours to Sunset dial at Cambie Park Community Garden (NASS #919), Simon Fraser University open-analemma equatorial (NASS #930). The last stop was at Len and Tasoula Berggren's residence with more sundials and refreshments.

2024 Jose Monte AnalemmaticDials2José Montes presents the design of two analemmatic sundials

The conference presentations included Burt's Solar Compass (Mark Montgomery, Realizing a Dream to construct a sundial (Mike Moghadam). A visit to Santa Maria degli Angeli to observe the meridian line(Tom Kreyche), An Azimuthal Volvelle Sundial (Fred Sawyer), Sundials as an Art Form (Frank King), Sciatheric Spirals (Peggy Gennerson), Canmore Sundial (Roger Bailey), The Life and Times of the Connecticut College Sundial (Tom Kreysche), The Oronce Fine Quadrant - Some Additional Thoughts (Frank King), Retrograde and the Sundial of Ahaz (Fred Sawyer) where the original Hebrew wording described retrograde movement of the shadow on a stairway, rather than time going backwards on a sundial,Two Kinds of Time: Repurposing an Atlas Dial Found at Tor Pateno (James Evans). Finding Time: Developing BC Gnomonics (Evan Boxer-Cook), Two Commemorative Analemmatic Sundials (Jose Montes), a short video on 3D Printing Complex Sundials (Bob Kellogg).

At the annual Conference Dinner for full participants, they received a 3D-printed Universal Ring Dial (Bob Kellogg) and a small 3D-printed Sayer Equant Sundial (Steve Lelievre) and card-based altitude dials (Roger Harris) plus a set of cutout dials delineated for Vancouver (Heinrich Stocker), The South-Facing Inveresk Dial: A Thomas Ross Conundrum (Frank King), and Comments on the Fort Prince of Wales Sundial (Fred Sawyer).

2024 Group Photo


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