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2022 GovernorResidenceSundialThe 27th annual meeting of the North American Sundial Society was held at the Holiday Inn – Vanderbilt in Nashville from 11-14 August.  The Thursday night social included meeting old friends, exchanging stories about sundials, and for a lucky dozen-plus attendees, receiving sundial books and related door prizes.  One of the highlights of Friday’s sundial tour was seeing the symbolic Armillary Sphere at the Tennessee Governor’s Residence.  There are three red enameled tomatoes (state fruit) for stars in the state flag, an eastern box turtle (state reptile), tulip poplar (state tree) branches at the north end of the gnomon, and a mockingbird (state bird), resting in the branches.

The NASS group also visited the Vanderbilt Equatorial Dial (NASS Registry #583), Sundial Park (#1055), a number of dials at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens, including a noteable dodecahedral dial (#1051).  The tour concluded visiting Montgomery Academy to see a vertical dial designed by Kenneth Lynch & Sons with the help of Fred Sawyer in 1999 (#425).

While at the Governor's Residence, the NASS Group photo was snapped:

2022 ConferenceGrouopPhoto













2022 NASS Conference Group Photo. From left to right and front to back: Paul Ulbrich, Tish Grant, George Perkins, Fred Sawyer, Len Berggren, Phil Sawyer, Jack Aubert, Will Grant, Marvin Taylor, Bob Kellogg, Pam Morris, Frank King, Jeff Kretsch, Bill Thibault, Sarah Montgomery, Steve Johnson, Gloria Mielke, Aaron Montgomery, Betsy Wilson, George Wilson, Phyllis Montgomery, Joyce Robinson, Dave Robinson, Mark Montgomery, Jeff Brewer. Not shown: Susan Haynes and Marc Boone.

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