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nass news 2024 nov sundials of andalusiaEsteban Martínez Almirón has published a new book Historical Sundials: Forgotten Andalusian Treasures (Relojes de Sol Históricos Tesoros Andaluces Olvidados) In it he reviews over 400 sundials from the Andalucian region of southern Spain Originally to celebrate the 25th year of the website

Esteban Martínez Almirón began showing his sundial drawings on the site. Ultimately more than 60 drawings are in his book, and many are posted on the @stbnart Instagram site. He presents the historical sundials using the themes according to geographical location and building type (e.g. on farms or country houses for daily time telling; churches, cathedrals and other sanctuaries; and civil buildings and public places). Unfortunately many dials have been lost to history and no longer exist.

Martínez Almirón looks briefly at portable sundials of Andalusia, particularly in Sierra de Huelva, the city of Ubeda (where its Renaissance sundials stand out) and the dials of the "New Populations" ("Nuevas Poblaciones"). The book is self-published. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, you can visit The book cost is 12 euros plus shipping. Text in Spanish.