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nass news 2019 july class of 27It is a small memorial sundial, only about a foot in diameter.  The polished bronze face has aged with time as have the students who gave that dial to the Pomeroy Seniior High School.  The sundial gifted by the graduating class of 1927 was placed on the front lawn of the school where it remained for more than 90 years.  According to a short article by Sara Hawley [ ] "Alumni remember that area as being 'out of bounds' to them as students.  They could never put their hands on the sundial - only viewing it from afar."

But now the school is no longer used and is being sold. The Pomeroy Alumni Association began to make plans to relocate their treasured sundial, "The sundial had previously survived several floods when it was located in front of the school. After looking at several locations, it was decided to place it on the foundation of the old bandstand in the Beech Grove Cemetery."