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nass_news_2012_april_hampton_twintowerbeamTodd Petty reported in the Hunterdon County Democrat that Tom Carpenter, a member of Fire Company 13 for forty-three years, presented plans to the city council for a 9/11 memorial in Veteran’s Park located in Hampton Borough, New Jersey.

The park has memorials honoring local veterans from The Great War to those of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.  During the twin tower collapse of 9/11 Tom Carpenter recalled, “Thank God we didn’t have anyone from Hampton Borough, but Lebanon and Bethlehem did. We did respond to Ground Zero within hours …and spent two days there. Hampton does have a direct connection [to 9/11] and we’re proud of it.”

Councilman James Cregar has begun design sketches of a memorial sundial to be built with twin towers steel beams received from the New York Port Authority. “The steel brought back memories. The significance of this little sundial design gives recognition to the loss on 9/11 and I think what the committee is doing is going above and beyond the patriotic duty. I want to thank you … for allowing me to participate.”

Carpenter, Cregar, and a committee of volunteers are working with the North American Sundial Society to design the memorial sundial with shadows cast on plaques at the time of the 9/11 disasters. Engraved bricks will also be included where people can put a family name or a short message. If interested in purchasing a brick or making a donation, call Tom Carpenter at 908-537-4521.  [photo credit: Rob Walton]