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nass_news_2011_sep_suncityThe monumental sundial in Sun City Arizona has been saved! The famous dial has been totally restored to its former glory, perhaps even better than the original. On Friday, October 7, 2011 a formal re-dedication ceremony will begin at 8:30 am.

Deanna J. Szentmiklosi (Executive Coordinator of Recreation Centers of Sun City, Inc.) invites all sundial enthusiasts to the celebration.  Bill Pearson, President of the Sun City Historical Museum will speak about the history of the sundial, and John Carmichael will represent  the North American Sundial Society with a short talk about the gnomonic aspects of the dial with its unique quadruple style gnomon.

Directions to Sundial Ceremony: The sundial is at the Sundial Recreation Center located at 14801 N. 103rd Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85351.  It's on the corner of 103rd Avenue and Boswell. Take I-10 to the 101.  Take the Thunderbird exit off the 101, go west on Thunderbird to 99th Avenue and turn right.  Take 99th Avenue to 103rd (it's Greenway going East and 103rd going west-shopping center on corner).  Turn left on 103rd and you will see the sundial just after you turn on your left.

The Sun City sundial can also be seen on Google from space. It’s at Lat: 33.618983° N, Lon: 112.274005° W

[photo by Deanna J. Szentmiklosi, Sun City]