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nass news 2024 nov hamilton restoration 1109NASS Registered Sundial #1109 at is one of a series of bronze sundials presented by Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, dedicated to the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic. Unfortunately the dial in Hamilton, Ohio, suffers from neglect and the gnomon has long been missing.

With support, this dial has been designated for restoration in 2025. A tri-fold brochure from the Butler County Historical Society is attached, explaining the restoration effort and asking for donations. Once restored it will be returned to Monument Park in Hamilton. NASS has contributed 1000 USD to the restoration effort and a local philanthropist has donated 5000 USD. Kathleen Fox, head of the restoration effort, reports that as of Nov 1, 2024, "Our total cash on hand now is a little over 15,000 USD and counting. We have two more months of the campaign left... and the goal of selling [memorial] bricks has just passed 100....We are also purchasing a polished granite hexagon piece on which to place the sundial. I have applied for a 2,500 USD grant to cover that cost."

Click on to read the history of this dial and to support the restoration effort through a 501(c)3.  A short video is on this internet page explaining the restoration effort.