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Damage to Erickson Equatorial Sundial in Cranmer Park, Denver, CO.  Photo Credit: Save Our Sundial

What happens to old sundials?  In Denver, citizens of Cranmer Park are taking matters into their own hands.  The City of Denver has generously committed $545,000 to the restoration of the Cranmer sundial and plaza through the Parks and Recreation and the Arts and Venues departments... but the citizens must raise another million dollars.

The whole plaza is sinking and a complete overhaul is required.  And the centerpiece is the 6-foot diameter Erickson equatorial disk sundial dedicated to the Park in 1966 and now shows signs of wear and damage.  Read about its unique history as it replaced a 1941 dial that was dynamited by vandals.

Donations for the plaza and sundial restoration can be made through Save Our Sundial Fund partner, The Park People [of Denver], a 501(c)3 organization. nass_news_2014_jun_SaveOurSundial_LogoSave Our Sundial has been instrumental in hosting fund raising events such as the June 8th benefit concert aptly named “Here Comes the Sundial”. For more information or to make a donation, go to