Hits: 25412

As of Feb 8, 2019 the NASS website has been upgraded with the latest Content Management System.  Users of the website should see little change, as the content and the layout has been maintained.  We appreciate all of you who visit this website.  Our goal is to engage you into the history, current events, and mathematics of the many different types of sundials that exist across North America.  Our sundial registry has nearly one thousand dials.  You may easily search the NASS website by using the search feature in the top right-hand column.  For example you can type the word "equatorial" and find articles and sundials all related to the equatorial type dial.  Or you could type "Boston" to find dials from that city.  Welcome to our new Content Management System.    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.